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LTC Community!
Connect and collaborate with peers throughout Illinois on education and technology topics that matter to you. 


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Become an LTC Community Member

Join LTC Communities to access professional learning communities dedicated to education and technology in Illinois.

Our Communities:

  • LTC Commons
  • Digital Leadership
  • Instructional Technology
  • EdTech Coaching
  • Technology & Infrastructure
  • Connectivity, Funding, and Digital Equity
  • Computer Science and STEM
  • Library & Media
  • Apple
  • Google
  • Microsoft
Join the LTC Community



  • This past year, Illinois has taken significant steps toward expanding K-12 student access to engaging CS education - statewide standards, funding, and professional learning opportunities. The post 2024 State of CS Education in Illinois appeared first on Learning Technology Center .
  • Our inaugural edtech Mini Grants were announced at IETC 2024. Award winners are using their funds to enhance access to 3D printing, coding, digital creativity, and intergenerational learning. The post Mini Grants Awarded for Innovative Educational Technology Projects appeared first on Learning Technology Center .
  • In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we're handing over the mic and interviewing teachers, coaches, and technology leaders from across Illinois about the edtech tools they’re most thankful for. The post EdTech I’m Thankful For with Our Listeners appeared first on Learning Technology Center .

Upcoming Events

  • Join us for an open discussion on current educational technology topics and trends. This networking meeting is open to all educational technology positions including technology directors, instructional technology coaches, and any other positions interested in discussing the current state of technology in our schools. While a short presentation may lead off our time together, the majority of the meeting will be open for participants to share their experiences and challenges with the group. The post ROE 16 Technology Round Table appeared first on Learning Technology Center .
  • Calling all K-12 leaders and administrators - it's time for a school law update! Join Attorney Brandon K. Wright as he answers and discusses your legal questions surrounding technology use in schools - including important developments heading into 2025. The post School Law Update: Technology Law Trends and Insights for 2025 appeared first on Learning Technology Center .
  • Learn and complete the first phase of your E-Rate application with an E-Rate expert on hand. Tune in for program rules, eligible items, updates, and tools for making your E-Rate life easier. The post E-Rate 470 Workshop appeared first on Learning Technology Center .